Maddy Smith – IPA and CIPS – Agencies, Marketing, Procurement working better together – Nov 2021
As IPA and CIPS release a checklist for better working relationships, Maddy Smith at PXPIQ.COM has listed the top takeaways for how all three parties can co-exist and optimise their practices..
“The relationship between procurement, marketing and agencies isn’t always as strong as it should be. The best relationships work when there is open and clear communication between all parties and that is particularly important between procurement and their agencies.
Approached by the IPA finance committee, CIPS were told that agencies still felt there was considerable misinformation surrounding the role of procurement. The solution to this, both felt, was to create content which helped to educate all parties. Not only agencies, but also marketing and procurement.
Marketing Procurement Consultant and Chair of the CIPS Specialist Knowledge Group in Marketing, Tina Fegent, worked closely with Joyce Kelso, Associate Director, Marketing at IPA to focus on a top tips list from agency to procurement. This was before realising, Fegent says, that there were multiple relationships at play and that really what was beneficial, was finding an opportunity to educate everybody involved.”